
Below are the configuration options for the Flow Data Table. These options can be configured by selecting a data table that has been dragged onto a screen element in Flow Builder.

NOTE: Not all features are supported in free edition. Please see the Features and Pricing page for more information.


API Name A name that Flow Builder will use to uniquely identify the data table Any valid text value
Object API Name A name of the standard or custom object to be displayed in the data table A valid standard or custom object API name
Record List The list of records to display in the table Flow Builder Record Collection Variable
Selected Records A list of records that are selected. When the data table loads these records will display as selected as long as they have valid ID values Flow Builder Record Collection Variable
Table Mode Controls the table modes. There are four modes: Read Only, Sort & Select, In Memory Edit and Database Edit. Learn more about table modes on the features page Read Only, Sort & Select, In Memory Edit, Database Edit
Select Mode Sets the record selection mode to Check Boxes / Radio Buttons Check Boxes, Radio Buttons
Sort Mode When enabled, columns in the table can be sorted Disable Sorting, Enable Sorting
Show Row Numbers When enabled, each record row will have it's row number in the first column. In editing modes, row numbers are always shown and this value is ignored. Hide Row Numbers, Show Row Numbers
Record Type Controls the picklist values that are displayed in the drop down during the editing of picklist fields A valid Record Type for the object that is displayed in the table
Table Height A number that controls the height of the table Any number
Number of Mobile Records Controls the number of mobile records initially loaded and by clicking Load More Any number
Configure Fields The fields of the standard or custom object to display in the data table A set of selected field names. Each field can have wrap or clip text and an initial column width specified


Record List Out The list of records that were shown in the table. This output list will contain any edits made by the data table Flow Builder Record Collection Variable
Selected Records Out The list of records currently selected in the data table Flow Builder Record Collection Variable
Single Selected Record Out A single record that is currently selected in the data table. This will be blank unless one record is selected Record Variable
Number of Selected Records Out The number of records currently selected in the data table Number Variable

NOTE: By default all outputs are automatic flow variables. Optionally, you can use the Flow Builder's "Advanced Manually assign variables" feature to assign outputs to custom flow variables.