Supercharge Your LWC Unit Test Workflow

In a previous blog post we discussed an opinionated approach for structuring unit tests. Now an automatic test file generator is available to generate a test file following that structure called LWC Test Scaffold.

In this blog post we will quickly demonstrate how to use LWC Test Scaffold.

If you want to follow along check out the repository for this post here:

We will be generating a test scaffold for the todoForm component. Where a user can enter a name for there todo and submit the form. See the HTML here:

  <form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
    <lightning-input label="Todo Name:" type="text"></lightning-input>

Here is the JS:

import { LightningElement } from 'lwc';

export default class TodoForm extends LightningElement {
  handleSubmit(e) {

      new CustomEvent('submit')

To test this component we will probably need a few things:

  1. a reference to the lightning-input & the form element so that we can simulate user input and form submission using our test.
  2. a jest mock declaration for the c-submit-button
  3. all the test setup code involved in creating the todo form component to run tests on

We will be generating all the code for these three steps with LWC Test Scaffold.

In the root of the project directory lets run this command in the terminal window:

npx github:edodso2/lwc-test-scaffold

This should kick off the CLI and you should see this prompt in your terminal window:

? What is the component class name?

Fill out the CLI prompts as follows:

? What is the component class name? TodoForm
? Include @tigerface/lwc-test-utils? (must already be installed via NPM) Yes
? Enter child elements needed for assertions:  lightning-input,form
? Enter the event names your component outputs that are needed for assertions:  submit
? Mock child components? Yes

After you complete all the prompts, if you are following along, you should see a test file generated at force-app/main/default/lwc/todoForm/__tests__/

Here is the file:

import { createElement } from "lwc";
import { TestUtils, Simulate } from "@tigerface/lwc-test-utils";

import TodoForm from "c/todoForm";


// hide console warnings from LWC about manually
// setting value of inputs via input.value.
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.warn = jest.fn();

// shared test constants
const TEST = "";

function setupTest() {
  // create element
  const element = createElement("c-todo-form", {
    is: TodoForm

  // set elem props
  element.prop = TEST;

  // add elem to body

  // get child elements for assertions
  const lightningInputEl = element.shadowRoot.querySelector("lightning-input");
  const formEl = element.shadowRoot.querySelector("form");

  // event listener mocks
  const submitEventListener = jest.fn();

  // add event listener mocks
  element.addEventListener("submit", submitEventListener);

  return {

describe("c-todo-form", () => {
  afterEach(() => {
    while (document.body.firstChild) {


  it("", () => {});

Not bad for starting off, no time spent writing a test file from scratch!

Take note of line 24 in the test file

// set elem props
element.prop = TEST;

This is where you can set public API properties for the element. Either pass them in the setupTest function or hard code them for all the tests as a constant.

LWC Test Scaffold isn't perfect though! For example if you need to get an array of elements you can manually change the child queries to something like:

const lightningInputEls = element.shadowRoot.querySelectorAll("lightning-input");

Thanks for checking out this blog post and hopefully you find LWC Test Scaffold useful, we would love to hear any feedback via github!